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About Us

Pink Sugar

My story

At Designs by B, we specialize in creating high-quality, handmade products that bring joy into your life. Our journey began with a passion for creating unique and personalized items, and has since grown into a thriving business that is committed to delivering excellence to my customers. My core values include a dedication to craftsmanship, exceptional customer service, and a commitment to standing out from the crowd. I invite you to explore my products and learn more about my story.

I'm a mother of two wonderful but very expensive children, I mean Its 2024 everything is expensive it seems. I have loved crafting from a young age, My favorite thing to "craft" was handmade gifts. So when I decided I needed a new hobby, what better hobby than getting paid to craft things for others?


Not only will my kids get to enjoy the perks of me having the equipment to make and designee all these new things; but also benefit from the added income!  

pastels, crafty, flower vase .jpg
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